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How Modern Tuition™ is disrupting the educational sector

If you're busy with family, value your time, and believe in convenience, then boy do we have a solution for your children's needs. Modern Tuition™ is on a mission to provide a world-class education at a reasonable rate. They offer more-than competitive prices for 1-on-1 tuition All from the comfort of your home.

Even, for those who want a world-class service but need lower prices, there are group-based tuition classes as well as opportunities for mentorship available. Modern Tuition™ hires tutors that have had years of experience helping students achieve entrance into the best selective schools in the UK.

Modern Tutors™ teach students and guide parents, facilitating a clear path to achievement. Prior target schools include Eton College, Glenalmond College and Harrow School.

Modern Tutors™ have outstanding public examination records and have demonstrated a reliable ability to guide students on a path to stellar grades.

Modern Tuition™ makes sure tutees are matched with appropriate tutors; your child's goals should match their tutor's achievements.


4- to 18-year-olds

Modern Tuition™ has experience teaching students who require homeschooling for a variety of reasons, from expulsion to parent preference.

Modern Tutors™ are dedicated to providing a thorough education to tutees, regardless of their previous school experiences. Modern Tuition™ advises parents based on a wealth of past successes.

University Entrance

Dentistry & Medical School, Oxbridge, UK and US

Modern Tuition™ provides exceptional support to pupils pursuing university placements. We ensure University Entrance tutors have achieved their students' goals.

Modern Tutors™ are university admission experts and have had plenty of experience preparing students for Higher Education examinations and interviews.

So what are you waiting for? Use the code SmartWash for 20% Off your first two sessions at Modern Tuition™.

invest in yourself or your loved one's future, today.

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